A private developer, Grove Building Trust and officials of the Town of Mansfield have collaborated to provide this affordable housing opportunity in accordance with the Department of Housing and Community Developments’ Local Initiative Program – Local Action Unites (“LIP-LAU). There will be a total of 12 apartments consisting of (2) bedroom apartments of which (One) will be designated as affordable and rented to eligible tenants with at least one family member of the age 55+ provided incomes are at or below 80% of the area median income.
Mansfield is a small residential town bordering on the town of Foxborough. Mansfield retains working farms which contribute to its scenic character. The availability of land has resulted in increased commercial, warehouse and industrial activity near the highway in this community which was once primarily agricultural.
Located at 130 Sprint Street Mansfield, Massachusetts, there will be one three story building consisting of 4 apartments on each floor. The apartments will be approximately 978 square feet for a 1 bedroom unit utilizing the most up to date building standards, the kitchen accessories include Energy Star Appliances.
Common area amenities include a central entry with security access. The tenant is responsible for paying their electricity separate from the rent.
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