Email Us | 508-994-4100 | 651 Orchard Street, Suite 308 New Bedford, MA 02744

Info For Developers

Over 30 years experience in affordable housing.

Development * Consulting * Sales

Delphic has been providing Affordable Housing consulting services to a diverse list of developers. With over 30 years of experience and a comprehensive understanding of the development process and the plethora of local and state approvals required to provide Affordable Housing is regarded as one of the leading experts in Affordable Housing. Delphic has permitted over 3,000 “For-Sale” housing units, including single family and duplex homes in addition to a variety of Condominium style homes, including over 750 Affordable Homes.

Geographically we cover the Worchester Region, Metro West, North Shore, Greater Boston, South Shore and South Coast. I am confident we can help you.


We are MGL 40B experts and have a complete understanding of the statute, 760 CMR 56.00 and the Comprehensive Permit Guidelines. In addition, we have extensive knowledge in the acquisition, financing, marketing and construction of single-family and condominium developments.

Some of the service we offer are:

Site Eligibility Approvals

  • Delphic will carry out a financial feasibility analysis utilizing the underwriting criteria of the program in conjunction with market analysis prepared by the developer.

Zoning Board Approval

  • In this phase, Delphic will be the Team Leader and will assist the developer in obtaining all necessary approvals in accordance with MGL Chapter 40B.

Final Approval from Mass Housing or DHCD

  • Delphic will prepare and submit a “Final Approval Application” to Mass Housing in accordance with their requirements. Once the Final application is approved the Regulatory Agreement is to be executed by all parties, thus creating the a limited dividend organization as required by the statue MGL 40B

Housing Lottery Services

Delphic will prepare and implement an Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan (“AFHMP”), which meets the affirmative fair housing objectives of MGL, Chapter 40B to include but not limited to the following:

  • Preparing the Lottery Package which will include information on frequently asked questions, the application and deed rider summary.
  • Obtaining approvals of the Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan (“AFHMP”) and the Housing Lottery package from the community and Monitoring Agent;
  • Determining the sales prices of the affordable units;
  • Determining with local officials a Local Preference (if any) to be used in the Lottery in accordance with 40B Comprehensive Permit Guidelines.


We have extensive experience with Inclusionary Zoning and the requirements to make certain affordable housing units are eligible for inclusion in the town subsidized Housing Inventory. In addition, we handle the Housing Lottery Service for those units determined to be affordable.

40B Affordability Monitoring System – Changes in 2021

MassHousing will be selecting the monitoring agent for each home ownership development at Final Approval. Previously, the Monitoring Agent has been chosen by the developer. MassHousing will pay agents for services directly, on an upfront and annual basis, through an escrow account. The agents that have been selected are:

  • Citizens Housing and Planning Association
  • LDS Consulting Group
  • Sudbury Housing Trust
  • MetroWest CDC
  • Housing Assistance Corporation
  • Community Teamwork, Inc.
  • NeighborWorks Housing Solutions

For Site Approval of ownership units, effective September 1, 2020, the following fees will be payable to MassHousing.

For Final Approval of ownership units, effective January 1, 2021, the following fees will be made payable to MassHousing.
For those of you familiar with our Final Approval process, this means Developers will no longer be selecting or paying fees to the monitoring agent directly.

In addition, 40B fees will be adjusted for inflation at a rate of 2% per year, beginning July 1, 2022. A separate fee schedule for Final Approval of MassHousing financed projects will be released at a later date.

We will keep you, our valued client, posted of any additional changes as they arise.

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