This dwelling unit is located at 828 South Main Street, Bellingham MA at the Robin Hood South Condominium. The unit contains approximately 1,215 square feet and has a fifty percent (50%) undivided interest in the common areas and facilities. The unit contains 2 bedrooms and 1.5 bathrooms, basement, refrigerator, stove, microwave and dishwasher. The unit is heated by oil.
The sales price for this condominium unit is $192,995.
It is estimated that the total monthly cost of your mortgage payment including Principal, Interest, Real Estate Taxes, Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI), Hazard Insurance and condominium fee of $65/month will be approximately $1,376. This assumes a 30-year fixed rate mortgage at current rates with a 5% down payment. You cannot rely on this estimated amount, this is only an estimate. Your actual mortgage payment may be different based on the actual interest rate and other factors. You should verify your actual mortgage payment with you lender and or accountant. This monthly mortgage payment is pre-tax and does not include the tax advantage of home ownership. To determine your net expense post tax you should consult with your accountant or tax advisor.
All affordable homes will have a “Deed Restriction” in perpetuity that will be recorded with the mortgage at the time of purchase. This deed restriction in part, limits the amount the home can be resold for or refinanced for and requires that it be resold to another affordable buyer.