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Checkerberry Hill – Duxbury, MA

MODERATE INCOME HOUSING LOTTERY – They will be sold at the initial sales price of $559,125

A private developer, Duxbury Lincoln, LLC and officials of the Town of Duxbury have collaborated to provide this moderate housing opportunity in Duxbury, MA. This development consists of 20 (twenty) single-family homes, of which 5 (five) homes designated as “Moderate Housing” and sold to buyers whose maximum incomes are between 80%-120% of the area median income.

Checkerberry Hill is located directly across the street from 434 Lincoln Street in Duxbury. Duxbury is primarily a residential community with a village atmosphere offering excellent schools, beaches, recreation, the arts, town services and government. Duxbury is widely regarded as one of the most desirable and picturesque communities in Massachusetts.

The Single-Family Homes (SFH) will have 3 bedrooms and 1½ or 2 baths. The homes will have town water, propane gas and a septic system. They will be sold at the initial sales price of $559,125

Regarding the monthly cost of a mortgage, we suggest you discuss with your lender. Your payment amount will be dependent upon your down-payment and interest rates.


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Q & A Workshop

June 27, 2023, 7pm
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Lottery Drawing

July 31, 2023, 7pm